Saturday, May 16, 2009


A tag from Mell Cullen :D

1.Adakah anda rasa HOT
Yes... frickin vain ryte ? :P

2.Upload gambar kegemaran anda
Upload? Not in the mood. Laterla..

3.Kenapa anda suka gambar ini??
Refer to no.2

4.Bila kali terakhir anda mkn pizza?
A few weeks ago

5.Lagu terakhir yang anda dengar
3 oh! 3 - Dont Trust Me ( so inspiring)

6.Apa yang sedang anda buat selain dr buat tag ni
Myspacing, Youtubing and Facebooking

7.Selain nama anda sndiri,apakah nm yg anda suka org panggil anda??
I love the sound of people calling me BITCH.

8.Tag lagi 4 orang
Yana, Yuyu, Rix and whoever else.

9.Siapa no1??
My girlfriend

10.Siapakah org no2??
My wife

11.Org no3 ada hubungan dengan sesiapa??
He's a frickin swinger

12.Bagaimana pulak ngan no4
I have no idea

Lotsa shitties,

Bryan ;D

4 shitties:

MMP_Rix said...

Sampei hati ko madah aku swinger



Syikin Alfian said...

yuuhuuu bryannn ;D

Breanna Samuels said...

ricky > but u are one so stop shitting heheheheh :D

syikin > chicken !!!!!!!!!!!!

Yana Rahman. said...

haha yey ur girlfriend ;p

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